Issue 10.2


Special Issue: Faerie, Fantasy and Pseudo-Medievalia in 20th-Century Literature

Published: January 1977

View the issue introduction or see the issue summary and contents below.

 12 essays, totalling 208 pages

 $15.00 CAD

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This special issue of Mosaic offers a series of essays on the works of canonical high fantasy authors, such as J.R.R. Tolkien and T.H. White and critical explorations of fantasy elements in the work of W.B. Yeats, Edith Nesbit, Ursula K. Le Guin, and others. An early foray into the area of fantasy literature and medievalism, this collection offers essays written in English, French, and German.

The Roots of Tolkien's Tree: The Influence of George MacDonald and German Romanticism Upon Tolkien's Essay "On Fairy-Stories"

Frank Bergmann

Wordhord Onleac: The Mediaeval Sources of J.R.R. Tolkien's Linguistic Aesthetic

Anthony Ugolnik

T.H. White: The Fantasy of the Here and Now

John K. Crane

T.H. White et la Légende du Roi Arthur

François Gallix

Flight to Aleppo: T.H. White's The Once and Future King

Colin N. Manlove

"A Dream Within a Dream" - Yeats and the Legend of Ireland

M.C. Bradbrook

Man's Total Nature: An analysis of Powys' The Complex Vision

G. Wilson Knight

Fantasy as Witty Conceit: E. Nesbit

Colin Manlove

Jaufré Rudel in Alfred Döblin's last novel, Hamlet

Anthony W. Riley

The Magic Art and the Evolution of Words: Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea Trilogy

T.A. Shippey

Restitutio in Integrum: Rudolf Borchardt and the Middle Ages

Fred Wagner

Fantasy and Fairy Tale in Twentieth-century Opera

P.G. Stanwood