Issue 12.1


General Issue

Published: October 1978

See the issue summary and contents below.

 12 essays, totalling 192 pages

 $15.00 CAD

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Containing close readings of Shakespeare and D.H. Lawrence, this general issue of Mosaic also presents essays on the intersection of painting and poetry in the later life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and a Dionysian reading of The Dream Play. Also included are essays on Ezra Pound’s Cantos and Henrik Ibsen’s The Turn of the Screw, William Faulkner, John Updike, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Last Years: "Hope, with Eyes Upcast"

D.M.R. Bentley

Of Macbeth, Martlets and other "Fowles of Heauen"

Peter M. Daly

Constant wanderings and longed-for returns: Odyssean themes in Shakespearean Romance

John Dean

The making of an ugly technocrat: character and structure in Lawrence's The Rainbow

Lawrence B. Gamache

D.H. Lawrence and social consciousness

Michael Kirkham

The crime and punishment of monstrous coincidence

Lauren G. Leighton

The Malatesta Cantos

Fred Moramarco

Strindberg's Nietschean dream play

Leonard Moss

The Turn of the Screw: The Victorian background

Jane Nardin

Coleridge's magical realism: a reading of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

Daniel Stempel

John Updike and the changing of the gods

Victor Strandberg

Faulkner's "Uncle Willy:" a childhood fable

Edmond L. Volpe