Issue 13.1


Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Durrant

Published: October 1979

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 10 essays, totalling 144 pages

 $15.00 CAD

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Durrant, Wordsworthian scholar, Professor, Royal Society of Canada member, and past Mosaic Board Member, is celebrated in this issue. Focusing not on his work, but on his broad interests and valuation of literature, this edition of Mosaic features an array of essays on topics like portraiture, memorialization, nationalism and art, and education and poetry. Essays examine figures like Thomas Carlyle and James McNeill Whistler, Samuel Butler, Marcel Proust, Christopher Marlowe, Philip Sydney, Virgil and William Wordsworth, and Matthew Arnold.

A "Physiognomic reader": Carlyle and the Art of Portraiture

Michael K. Goldberg

Samuel Butler's Epistle to the Victorians: The Way of All Flesh and Unlovely Paul

J.L. Wisenthal

Bugles, Trumpets, and Drums: English Poetry and the Wars

W.R. Martin

History, Calvanism, and Dilemma of Afrikaner Nationalism

Arthur Keppel-Jones

Poems for Geoffrey Durrant

Roy Daniells

The State of the Nation and a Remembrance of Things Past

Alan Paton

"Pride in Learning goeth before a fall": Dr. Faustus' Opening Soliloquy

R.W. Ingram

The "mine of time": Time and Love in Sidney's Astrophel and Stella

A.C. Hamilton

Virgil, Wordsworth, and the Power of Sound.

Lee M. Johnson

The Poetry of Matthew Arnold

William Robbins