Issue 2.4


Special Issue: Trends in 20th-Century Poetry

Published: July 1969

See the issue summary and contents below.

 10 essays, totalling 128 pages

 $15.00 CAD

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This issue of Mosaic considers a variety of approaches to twentieth-century poetry, including the international movement of poetic symbolism. Other essays in the issue examine the “imagination’s power to destroy the poet” evidenced by Sylvia Plath’s “Lady Lazarus,” Spanish poetry since the Civil War, the process of translating poetry of Europe’s North, and contemporary French poetry.

The International Character of Symbolism

Anna Balakian

The Rise of Lady Lazarus

Robert Bagg

Expérience n'est pas oeuvre

Roger Gouze

Poetry in Spain since the Civil War

Hardie St. Martin

Yeats as Modern Poet

A. Norman Jeffares

The Relevance of Surrealism with some Canadian Perspectives

Paul Green

Exile Guise: Irony and Hart Crane

Richard Huston

On Translating Some Northern Poetry

Ronald Bates

Seven Young French Poets: A New Trend in French Poetry

C.A. Hackett

Toward a Post-Modern Aesthetics?

Theodore Ziolkowski